CAMPERS (Term 1) BOYS (Rustlers) Lee, 14 Alex, 14 Brendon, 12 Josh, 13 Bryan, 13 Todd, 13 Houston, 14 Alex J., (12-14) Jordan, (12-14) GIRLS (Indian Creek) Eve, 14 Jen, 12 Hallie, 12 Reid, 13 Kelly, 13 Amanda, 13 Ali C., 13 Kristen, 13 Megan (12-14) Ali B. (12-14) EPISODE GUIDE EPISODE 1- Campers arrive at camp; thoughts and hopes about camp. EPISODE 2- Bryan runs for Camp Mayor; the girl's cabin is divided between the returning campers and the new-comers. EPISODE 3- Houston admits that he has a crush on Amanda; the girls play a prank on the boys involving the boy's underwear; first dance. EPISODE 4- Eve and Jen play a practical joke on Bryan and Alex which threatens to break up the four's friendship; Houston writes Amanda a poem; the boys get revenge for the underwear prank. EPISODE 5- Fiesta Weekend; Alex and Eve wonder why Bryan and Jen have been hanging out together so much. EPISODE 6- While the boys go shopping in Santa Fe, the girls take a trip to the wilderness for a camp-out. EPISODE 7- While the other boys practice a skit for the talent show, Houston works on a song to perform. EPISODE 8- The Rustlers and the girls are shocked when they learn Eve and Jen were asked to leave camp after they broke a major rule. EPISODE 9- Hawaiian dance; Todd and Bryan both hope to "go-out" with Megan. EPISODE 10- Todd and the other Rustlers try out the ropes course; Kristen and the other girls go on a trail ride; Kristen wins camper of the week. EPISODE 11- The end of session 1, the campers show their parents the new skills they learned at camp; good-byes. CAMPERS (Term 2) BOYS (Rustlers) Jake, 14 Aaron, 13 Brendon, 12 Sam, 13 Bryan, 13 Terrance, 14 Will, 14 Mike, 14 Josh, 14 Carl, 14 GIRLS (Indian Creek) Alana, 13 Carrie, 15 Hallie, 12 Alex, 14 Kelly, 13 Amanda, 13 Leela, 14 Sarah, 14 Megan, 12-14 Ellie, 14 Kiersten, 14 EPISODE 12- Term 2 campers arrive; Kelly and Megan, both from term 1 have problems adjusting to the new girls. EPISODE 13- The Rustler's are tired of Bryan's behavior; Kelly and Megan continue to have problems making friends with the new girls. EPISODE 14- Alana performs in the camp production of "Annie"; Aaron wishes he were one of the "cool kids". EPISODE 15- Sarah feels bad about being attracted to Bryan; Josh feels rejected when Ellie shows no interest in him. EPISODE 16- Leela confronts Sarah about her relationship with Bryan; Jake shows his rebellious side. EPISODE 17- Bryan runs into Eve while on a Santa Fe trip with the Rustlers; Jake is asked to leave camp when his behavior becomes too much for the counselors to handle. "Bug Juice 3" airs every Sunday at 7:00 PM on the Disney Channel. More episodes to come.... |